Experts collaborating to expand misinformation mitigation

Societies around the world have developed institutions that have the role of collecting, verifying, and disseminating information. This includes for example, libraries and their librarians, newspapers and news TV and their journalists and more recently social media and search companies on the internet and their tech leaders, school and universities and their teachers. Academic researchers have studies and work alongside of all these institutions. Misinformation has been a problem for society likely as long as people have been able to communicate. The internet has given us a tool to share information at incredible speeds and volumes, but we have encountered new threats to the integrity of information through the Internet and the tools built on it.
In this panel we bring together a collection of experts and practitioners from out information institutions to discuss both the problem of misinformation, current attempts to mitigate the problem and a vision of future tools to help with the ongoing battle to provide trustworthy information.
5 minutes: The moderator will Introduce the panelists and give a brief definition of terms such as disinformation, misinformation, malinformation, lies, and rumors.
15 minutes: Each panelist will then give a brief introduction (< 3 minutes) of their work related to misinformation.
20 minutes: The panelists will then field a set of predetermined questions from the moderator both individually and as a group discussion. Example questions might include: How and journalists and librarians work together to fight misinformation? What information threat keeps you up at night? What role does technology play in your institution to fight misinformation and how might it be improved?
15 minutes: Questions posed by the audience.
If you are interested in being a panelist then contact Dr. Heidorn ( There is a spot open. We are particularly looking for someone in K-12 education.
Moderator: Bryan Heidorn, Professor in the School of Information and the Director of the Center for Digital Society and Data Studies
Panelists: TBD
After the Panel session panelists and members of the audience are invited to the Moonstone Rooftop Bar at the Graduate.
If you are interested in this event you may also be interested in:<br>
- Misinformation on Tap: April 13:
- The Institutionalizing Anti-misinformation Working Group Workshop on April 14: