Information Privacy and Countervailing Values in Networked Society
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
2:00 - 3:15 PM
Room AME S338 (NW corner Mountain/Speedway)
Abstract: Information privacy has become a currency for expressing concerns about the intrusion of surveillance activities into our networked life. This lecture discusses three aspects of information privacy: 1. I introduce the ways in which information privacy has been understood, looking at popular, legal, and normative approaches. 2. Focusing on government surveillance I discuss the ways in which information privacy may be compromised in a data-driven society. South Korea’s real name verification system will be exemplified. 3. I discuss how some countervailing values-security, free speech, convenience, etc.-compete with rights to privacy.
Bio: Professor Hazel Kwon (PhD in Communication at SUNY-Buffalo) is Assistant Professor of Communication and Social Technologies at Arizona State University where she explores online social influence, protest diffusion, hostility in social media, and civic/political participation. Her research has been funded from the National Science Foundation and HASTAC. She has received the Dordick Dissertation Award from the ICA and multiple research awards from AEJMC, ICA, and NCA.